Denver Diabetes Counseling 
and Jenna Eisenberg, LMFT help persons affected by Diabetes to live their lives to the fullest!

Contact Denver Diabetes Counseling Today at 


Why Might You or Family/Friends Want to Consider Counseling?


Many people do not participate in counseling because they think they can manage their physical and emotional issues on their
own.  Or, they have never been to counseling, and do not know what to expect or some believe they may be criticized for asking for help.  

If you feel uncertain about whether or not you should start
receiving support, see if you can relate to any of the statements below.  These are issues that have been brought to Denver Diabetes Counseling by Diabetics (Types 1 and 2) and their loved ones...

How will I live with this disease?  
* Will I still be able to do everything?
* How did I get this disease?  Why me? 
* Is my life totally going to change? 
* Can I still play my favorite sport?
* Do I have to stop eating my favorite foods; does my diet have to change

* I'm scared of giving shots, or shots hurt!!
* How do I incorporate exercise, diet restrictions in daily routines after all
  these years?

* I keep forgetting, making mistakes with my medications.
* Very anxious about complications that may arise from Diabetes, such
  as eye/kidney disease or 
sexual issues.
* High amount of tension/stress when dealing with health insurance,
  especially the pharmacy
* I am ashamed because I am not financially stable, and I have to
  depend on others to pay for my
health insurance, medical expenses.
* I do not want to gain weight; I have gained a significant amount of

* I Feel like I have had Diabetes forever, and it is just getting more

* I don't like counting carbs, and I feel like I never get it right!

* No matter how hard I try, I can’t get that A1C down!!
* Intimate/Sexual issues that I feel are too private to discuss with my
  regular doctors or
endocrinologists  (i.e.erectile dysfunction

* I just want to give up, even though I know the consequences.
* How will I be able to retire, stop working, and still afford medical
  expenses and supplies?

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Can indomethacin be bought over the counter ? To answer this question, we need to first ask whether or not it's even possible to buy indomethacin over-the-counter without a prescription. This is because the FDA classifies indomethacin. as a "drug" that can only be considered "prescription-strength" at the doses given without a prescription. generic equivalent of indomethacin can be purchased over-the-counter, but the actual potency of pills is only as good the brand that's dispensed. This is because the generic version of indomethacin has the exact same active ingredient found in the ingredients of actual drugs prescribed by a doctor. However, there is significant difference between brand-name prescription drugs and over-the-counter generic drugs. Brand-name prescription drugs have to be tested with a certain dose before they can just be added to the drugstore or supermarket shelves. However, with the generic version of indomethacin, you can just purchase a single tablet of indomethacin and have a reasonable expectation that the pills may work with many different types of medications. The generics may not meet FDA standards of potency, but with the potency of generic indomethacin you should have more than enough generic drugs to treat any variety of health conditions. If you have an individual health condition, you can always try to find generic medications that contain some of the active ingredients those medications for which you will need a prescription (and this can often be just as effective the brand-name medications that have to be tested "prescribed strength"). If you have a prescription-only type of health condition that requires a doctor's prescription, you have to wait until after your prescription runs out to get indomethacin (you won't be able to get indomethacin while your prescription period is still active). For the sake of convenience (when it comes to indomethacin), we are talking about the FDA approved generic version or, in other words, any indomethacin that is sold over-the-counter. There are some other brand names that are sold over-the-counter as well, but they do not have the same potency as official FDA approved brand of indomethacin. So, how much indomethacin will you need, in a given situation? If you have a prescription-only health condition that requires a doctor's prescription, your dose of indomethacin may be somewhat lower than for the general population because you don't always need all of the recommended doses indomethacin. Most health conditions can be managed when given an appropriate dose, but some issues can be difficult to treat and may require more of an active ingredient like omeprazole or indomethacin (if your doctor prescribes it) and some may not require a specific dose at all. Is Indomethacin Safe and Effective? Indomethacin is considered relatively safe when used correctly. Most individuals who are prescribed the medication very happy with their health results. You may experience some side effects for the first few weeks of using the medication, but most of them simply go away with use. There is another side effect associated with indomethacin that causes concern. The side effect is called "dyspepsia." In this case, the person who takes indomethacin may experience cramping caused by the medication. cramps can last anywhere from a short period of time to a day or more. It should go away as soon the medication is discontinued. Side effects of indomethacin are not life threatening, but they can vary from individual to individual. When taking these side effects into account, is it really worth to take the medication, or would you rather try something different instead? Another concern with indomethacin is that it an all-or-nothing medication. If you don't take it for one day, you can't take it at all. While this is not actually a common occurrence (only about 1 out of 10 people who take this medication experience problem), sometimes a large amount of indomethacin is needed just to keep a person over certain level of fluid in the body. These types of situations can i buy indomethacin over the counter may arise.

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* My mood goes up and down when my blood sugar is at certain levels,
  and I can’t explain why.

* I’m sick of giving shots all day, everyday…

* I’m ambivalent about the insulin pump and/or other transitions I am
  making in regards to my
I’m embarrassed to inform school officials, friends or other adults about

* I’m embarrassed to take shots/medication or eat snacks in front of 

* I feel anxious or embarrassed about sleeping over at a friend’s

* I do not want to give my own shot or giving blood tests? 
* How can I get my family to trust me to take good care of myself?
* I feel like a burden to my family; I feel guilty about the costs of my

* I feel guilty that my family has to restrict or change many activities
  because of me.

* How do I cope with peer pressure? Will drinking alcohol and/or taking
  drugs affect my Diabetes?

* How to cope with the transition of a family member being newly
  diagnosed with Diabetes?